Tuesday, November 30, 2010


This is photos of a warehouse of bikes going mostly to Japan. One of the several shipping companies in the L.A area that specialize in this.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Fuck! too many of our bikes going to Japan, man!
Then don't sell them.

I want to sell my chopper for $40,894,987,567 to the Japanese!
Well, not sure if you've heard, but they like to build their own bikes there.

They most likely won't want to buy yours, even if its been to the Mooneyes Show in Yokohama.

And believe it or not, they have the internet in Japan too so they can price-check all day, dog.

Monday, November 29, 2010


At 10:30PM last night my phone was ringing and I thought, who the hell could be calling me this late. It turned out to be no other than Mike Fucking Scraggs.
What's interesting was that he's a radio DJ once a week. I guess this is his usual schedule below, but last night he was on from 9pm to midnight. You can stream it to listen and even watch his show live. I had no clue he had an ongoing radio show. Click below for the Ozcat Radio site:

Mike Scraggs is one of those people that you'll never read about on the internet or get much info in magazines (there's probably more about him in Japanese mags). You'd need to practice the fine art of conversation to get info from guys like this. For well over a decade now, he's been one of the people that I got history on the undocumented black art of hot rod FXR's and the origins of Frisco style choppers.

One of the raddest things he's ever told me was, "you know why we built those Frisco bikes the way we did? it was so they could go fast through cars and you could ride them up the hill as fast as you can to find the bad guys, go beat them up, and get outta the city before the cops showed up."

So much to learn outside of the world wide web.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


"My first turkey leg in 13 years. It wasn't all that great. Too much gristle but I just had four Hawaiian roll turkey sammiches that were amazing."

As you may or may not know, T-Bone has been a herbivore for a while now. That doesn't compute with me and I'm glad he is now normal again and using his canines and his incisors for what they were meant to be used for: tearing flesh from bone.

Shot these photos in March of 2008 for a feature in The Horse, which was one of my first features using a digital camera. I was late to the game with digital. I got a ton of stuff on slides.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


The white collar businessman in Japan is called Salaryman.

Stereotypical characteristics include extreme over working, golf, all night karaoke sessions and binge drinking to wash away all the stresses and sorrows. If you go to any major city in Japan, you'll see the drunk salaryman on trains or on the street.

I decided to search the words drunk japanese salaryman on google and these are the images I found.

One of my favorites. He must feel so god damn comfortable at this point:

This one is the shit. It's like the light of God is shining down unto him:

He's gonna lose his shoe:
Must be the raddest of feeling of being totally fucking plastered by yourself and never knowing when/if you'll ever get home. Over and over.
Considering how safe it is in Japanese cities compared to American cities, they rarely ever get fucked with. I've seen them since I ever could remember on my trips to Japan.

Friday, November 26, 2010


This is all that I ate yesterday, singlehandedly made by Sasha.

We started the morning off with Brioche Baked French Toast. Fresh baked brioche bread, fresh shucked California pecans, fresh eggs from our chickens.

It was served with our favorite maple syrup from Sprague's Maple Farms. Bringing it all together is bacon from our favorite local butcher.
Late lunch/early dinner was served. From the 12 o'clock position:
  • Turkey with Mushroom Gravy
  • Cornbread & Sausage Stuffing
  • Goat Cheese and Sage Brown Butter Mashed Potatoes
  • Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and California Walnuts
All ingredients grown/made fresh locally.
I did the dishes and we even had time to fit in a quirky foreign film and The Godfather. Sorry, I didn't get to take photos of the baked rhubarb with heavy cream, which was a sauce that went over our gourmet vanilla bean ice cream.

I thought I was going to have an un-traditional Thanksgiving with bison shortribs, but I ain't complaining! We're having the bison this weekend anyway.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Santa Fe Importers
1401 Santa Fe Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90813-1290
(562) 435-5629


you're missing out if you don't watch this video.

Funny as fuck.


Whoever made this video I applaud you.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Here is how it went last night with text messages to CantStayJose:

15 or 20 minutes later, Jose was in my truck we were looking for the perfect taco. It was an easy persuasion.

So Mi Pariente was closed; we already knew that since it was close to 8pm. We drove down Pacific Coast Highway to Wilmington to see if Carnitas Patzcuaro was still open but nope, they were closed too... which was when Jose said, "lets go check out this other taco place, I seen it on Anaheim but I forgot exactly where it was... we'll find it". We turned around and headed back to our charming city of Long Beach to investigate this new spot.

To most people, eating tacos out of a window in an alley next to a gas station may be way too gnarly. But this is what you eat when you're into chopper period correctness and being all 60's like it was the biker b-movie Hells Angels '69. I swear, trust me! This is the spot you'll find original Bates seats and Borrani rims in sizes you've never even dreamed of!!! Or you may find good tacos.

As I had reported to many of you before, most GOOD taco places have ONE or MAYBE a couple of items that are outstanding. Since this spot was new to us, I had to try a variety on my first order. As you may know, I always skip the carne asada and the pollo. For my first order, I went for one of the following: al pastor, barbacoa and the tripas.

I noticed that all the tacos were priced at $1 each EXCEPT for the tripas, which was $1.50. This immediately got my attention as to why beef guts would cost 50 cents more than all the other more "desirable" parts.
These photos I took with my phone cannot show you how good the fucking TRIPAS was. Not even an inkling. It was like Three's Company, I was Jack Tripper, just cold trippin' on the greasy bovine intestinal goodness. What about the barbacoa and the al pastor I had? aaah, whatever. I could live without them... but this taco de tripas - where have you been all my life! After I had that one tripas taco I ordered, I went back for two more (below).

Me: This is the best tripas I ever had, man.

Jose: seriously, this is the best tripas I've had outside my mom's kitchen.

The tripas were prepared greasy, as they usually are, and on the fried-crunchy side. The flavor was perfect. Not too livery at all, just fried crunchy goodness. Definitely not that rubbery mess that I can't stand.

Where's this place at? Not sure! I'll go back to find out. I think it was in the alley of an Arco gas station but we actually forgot to look what the cross street was! Don't worry, your faithful reporters will re-open this investigation!

Life's too short for burgers and fries!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010



But don't worry! He only has 3/4 of his teeth!


July 2003! Dug up this article while going through some magazines. I don't mean to self promote, but I thought it might be neat to read for those of you who missed it.

Where is Dain Gingerelli these days anyway?
The "scene" was so different just a few years ago. Crazy how things have changed so much.

I'm giving away free Sinners t-shirts to whoever can guess who those hot rods belong to!

Just kidding.

Monday, November 22, 2010


So word's out that I have jumped ship over to Street Chopper and it's true. After doing features for The Horse for 6 or 7 years, I guess a little change was in order; it's probably best for everyone. Looking forward to working with Jeff Holt at Street Chopper & Hot Bike.

Here's a preview of my soon-to-be first feature in the new mag, Dustin and his hot-rodded Sportster:
It should be on the stands in the first week of January.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

21 Seconds

It'll probably get taken off of YouTube any minute now but here's last night's quick fight:

Friday, November 19, 2010

Bacon Cupcakes

...a sweet treat with candied morsels of bacon Bacon BACON!

Can't deny bacon, even in your desserts and at work (on top of Diamond Cut, Show Polished Delkron heads).

Check out rocketqueencupcakes.com


Submitted by Stuka (in reference to Pepe Time #15):

"So as I head to the restroom this morning, I grab an old copy of the Horse. As I sat there reading ChopperDaves article on the X-Wedge choppa, I see this and laugh so hard I think iO strained something."

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Shop Sam's builds rigids just how I like them. If my job were to build whatever I liked all day long, I would've eventually built a bike exactly like this one. Influenced by the traditional Frisco layout and outlaw styles of the past it all gets carried on today in Sendai, 6000 miles away from where it originated.

Sam must have been in business in the 15 to 20 year mark by now. He's been around a long time, long before any of this was the cool thing to be into and little buzz words were being thrown cheaply like spitballs.

"This chopper is almost complete. This guy comes from the Oita prefecture, which is about 1000 south of Sendai."
"First time with a Harley, kickstart and jockey shift."

Check out Shop Sam's.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Delkron what?

Delkron has been recently purchased by a company called Advanced Sleeve in Mentor, OH.

End of another era? Hope it transitions well.
All the old staff is gone.


Here's a little inside scoop from the H-D factory; there's only 3 FXR frames (or less) left in inventory. This means that if you got a wrecked FXR frame, wanted a new one from the factory, this may be your last chance... and it'll cost you a grip.

Of course you'd have to cut the neck off your old frame and submit it to H-D through one of their dealers, which is the only way H-D will sell you a frame

Stock FXR frames will quickly become the straight leg or wishbone frames many of us hunt after.


I have a friend named Pepe.
He's pretty funny and I like to keep a log of all the funny things he says and does.

Pepe has become a connoisseur of ramen in the last couple of years. Sort of an expert on local ramen joints. This little story took place a couple of years ago, when he only knew of one spot.


Pepe: this place is the shit, lets eat here.

Me: no way, get back in the truck. we're going to another place down the street.

Pepe: what?! this place right here has the best ramen!

Me: trust me, this other place is better.

Pepe: fuck that, this place is the shit.

Me: how would you know?

Pepe: know what?

Me: you've only eaten at one ramen place ever, this place.

Pepe: so the fuck what?

Me: so how in the hell do you know it's better than the place down the street?

Pepe: listen dude, I know. it don't get better any than this! I can tell.

a moment later, Pepe finally gets into the truck and we head to other spot I mentioned and ramen is served...

Pepe: this looks pretty good, dog...

and after a single bite...

Pepe: dude, this ramen IS better!

891 Baker St # B21
Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4363
(714) 556-9212