Wednesday, December 26, 2012


No, it's what it looks like after crashing, smashing, hole shots and dashing. Through rain, sleet, snow and desert sun.

Sprinkle a hundred thousand miles or so and there you have it! A do it yourself vintage jacket! Don't even need an eBay account! Just buy it brand new and ride!

All sarcasm aside, it's Brawny's old faithful bought brand new in San Jose circa '94.


  1. Giddy up Nelson, well done Brawny!! Been saying the same shit all year since I joined the 21st century, 'patina-ed' clothes, boots, bikes, cars, bullshit . . . buy em, build em, whatever, use the hell out of em, that's how you get a bloody patina !!! I need to put some elbow grease into my similar vintage, way too tight, still working jacket, thanks for the reminder. Happy New Year mate, it's been a tastylicious hoot, cheers man.

  2. Dat's the way to do it Brawny! Make your own history.
